And He's Single, Ladies!
Don't let this opportunity pass you by! This 26 year-old single white male is looking for love!

This highly dependant and yet simultaneously introverted specimen is a walking contradiction. His IQ tests at the genius level. Like talking physics? Philosophy? This is the man for you! Jeff is best at extended conversations with lots of big words which lead nowhere but are nonetheless soul-enriching. Don't expect his mind-boggling intelligence to carry over into other areas of life, though, ladies! While he is exceptionally gifted in the fine art of thought, daily tasks seem to distort and befuddle him. Need your garbage bag tied? Don't ask Jeff, ok? Is that your orange juice in the fridge? Don't mention it to Jeff - somehow the conversation will morph in his large brain and he will come out believing it is his.
While he is slightly - uh - eccentric? - Jeff is mild-mannered, sweet, and would shift the universal alignment for you, if you asked. And if it was possible. And if it weren't possible, he'd talk about why for a long time!
Jeff is adored by his four nephews, and admired by his peers. He is appreciated, loved and well tolerated by his relatives. He adores long walks to the video stores and back, and his interests include a virtual cornucopia of music and movies. He is a gaming master, a writer and a poet. Yes, he is on a couple of medications so he won't go crazy...remember that whole saying about the fine line? Between genius, heck, the boy is a GEM!
Interested? Simply drop by and find your way to my basement! It's so simple! The lucky woman who snatches this dude will lead an enriched, full life (if not a whiff more frustrating). Beware, though, ladies...this fine young man has a penchant for the ridiculous:
Serious applicants only, please.
*Note: Jeff is an awesome guy! He appreciates my humour. Oh, and he's not really looking for a girlfriend. Not that he'd turn an opportunity down. But he's not, you know, actively searching. I just wanted to introduce him, see? *
The material is usefulfor me. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------flonase-on-line purchase
aww, but he's a handsome lad. I'd be glad to call him my son... uh, wait. He IS my son!
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