Here Are Some Pictures And A Conversation Because I Feel Too Much Like Crap To Write A Long Post But Apparently Long Titles Are Fine
Here's Aidan after a particularly difficult-to-execute poo:

A Bruins fan in the making:
Now, for your entertainment, a conversation that took place between Jim and I whilst I was reclining on the couch, weak with illness:
Jim jumps on top of me.
Me: Get off! What are you doing? (I weakly try to push him away, but my strength fails me)
Jim: We're going to make sweet love. (He buries his face in my neck)
Me: Jim! I'm too sick to joke around. (I begin to giggle breathlessly) GET OFF ME, MAN!
Jim: It's gonna be beautiful.
Me: Uuuuuuggggghhhhh....
Jim: You can barf on me a'll be so perfect.
Ah, they say laughter is the best medicine, right?
Dude. We married the same man.
And that picture? Of Aidan? OMG. I love it.
Okay, you can't really see my first sentence, can you? See what good a long-ass title does you? LOL!
It says, "Dude. We married the same man."
You're welcome.
just like a man...
that is priceless...much laughter first thing in the morning:)
Ha! Men. They'll say anything to get laid.
Can't imagine the pre-poop exit photo. Thanks for posting the after! Too cute!
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