Crazy-ass family

You just can't make this stuff up

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Would Anybody Like Some Breastmilk?

It's very nutritious! And tastier than cow's milk! Ahem...I mean, I hear it's tastier than cow's milk! I haven't tasted my own breastmilk! No way! Anyway, if you need some, I've got way too much. Liam's nursing strike has finally taken a toll on my boobs in a not-so-positive way. He's created a monster! Actually, two monsters! And they're residing heavily on my chest. It hurts. I mean, it really hurts. I know there's at least one clogged duct in there, too...there's a really sensitive, lumpy area on the left. Oooooh...
Anyway, if your coffee needs whitening or whatever, I'm here for you! Neighbors beware: it might be best not to come by and ask for a cup of milk; you never know what you'll get.
Hmmm, I wonder...if I wrung out the two shirts I've already had to change out of today, would I have enough milk for a bowl of cereal...? Waste not, want not, I always say!
Sorry, double EW!
In less nauseating news, I've decided (largely due to the overwhelmingly supportive and excited comments on the last post) to make Tuesday Ghost Story Day here at Crazy-ass family. If I don't have a story, I'll share a bit of my...uh...unusual...experiences instead. Or, if you'll email me your stories, I'll feature one of yours! Thank you for your support; it's a nice change from skepticism (which is very healthy, by the way!) and doubt.
I think I've solved my resident ghost problem, by the way. But you'll have to wait 'til Tuesday to hear about it!
Off to express some milk. Hmm, I wonder if Jim's had his coffee yet? Maybe I'll make it for him...


At 3:59 PM, Blogger sc@vp said...

I've heard you can freeze the stuff. Just make sure it's very clearly labeled.

AND (now this one totally freaks me out) you can DONATE it. Check out:

weird, eh?

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Tree said...

WOW, that is interesting.
I mean, at first I thought it was wacky. But then I thought, "what if this could help a kid?" Interesting.
Oops I said that twice.
s, you are a wellspring of interesting information!

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Awww, don't be freaked out. Formula fed babies drink milk "donated" from a cow. I donate my milk and it's really no different than donating blood except it hurts less and you're not dizzy afterwards. :) Oh, and they pasturize the milk.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Tree said...

Seriously? I think that is really, REALLY cool of you. Can you email me? I'd like to know more! I don't think I could ever do it now, but when Liam's done with the boobs, maybe???
I'm sensitive to the need for breastmilk; Caleb was premature and I was consistently pummelled with information on breastmilk and it's merits by the NICU nurses. If I could help...???

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Jennboree said...

Yes, you can freeze your milk for up to three months! Or donate it to a milk bank like s suggested. I never produced enough milk to do that but it is really an awesome program that helps premature babies.

AND breastmilk has proven to help cancer patients. Now that is ew.

I'm still skeptical on the ghost thing but I like to learn and keep my mind open. So could I ask you a bazillion questions? :)

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Tree said...

Hi jennboree,
Ask away!
Ok, seriously? It helps cancer patients? Do they, like, drink a certain amount every day or some such intereting thing?
Wow, write a post about your boobs and you get educated. Who knew?

At 5:03 PM, Blogger TreeBob said...

What's that melon like taste in my java this afternoon?? Kinda smooth, frothy, delicious!!


At 6:22 PM, Blogger Jennboree said...

All I can figure is the human breastmilk with all it's antibodies helps the patients with weak systems?

I'll have to work out a sensible list of ghost questions.

My husband thinks cow's milk is absolutely disgusting and absurd that humans drink it. Yet, he's never asked for a glass from my own personal production...

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Eve said...

I was just reading about donating breastmilk to hospital for preemies- sounds like a cool idea!
In 3-4 months, I will be trying to breastfeed 2 babies at once. I'm going to be a human sprinkler freak show over here- should be interesting.

I am psyched for Spooky Tuesdays! ps- my ghost stories are at


At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... an overabundance of Hootermilk! Er, actually, am I supposed to know about this kind of stuff?

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Tree said...

Ooooh Eve has ghost stories. Here I go!
First - Dad, remember when you'd say "Theresa's hooter-feedin' again?"
Hahahahahaha oh man.

At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Am I the only one jumping up and down about Ghost Tuesday??? Thank you, Ms. Tree! I can't wait.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Jennboree said...

Guess my first question for your Ghost Tuesday is WHY do so many Canadians see ghosts? hmmmmm?

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Jennboree said...

Here's another great link about donating. $2.25 an ounce. WOW. And the mothers who buy it have to have a prescription. Trip out!

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many hospitals have a milk bank for mothers who are too ill to breasfeed and for preemies, etc.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Ali said...

i hear you girlfriend...
i've got a few overclogged puppies over here as well....

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Brooke said...

Wow! I was laughing at your post and thinking that there must be grown-ups who like the stuff, but I didn't know you could donate it. What I learn, reading your blog!


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