Much Nicer Than The Last Post
Bubbles. Always a cheap, fun alternative to going out!
Observe Aidan as he has oodles of fun!
HeHe had just popped one here.
Stomping is another good way to kill bubbles.
Oooh the charm...
But do you see the wickedness behind his smile? By this time he was wreaking havoc and jumping and yelling and exhibiting way too much energy.
That last photo is awesome!
Glad you're feeling better, Tree.
What fun! I love bubbles! That last photo is amazing.
get well soon!!!
well hello theresa, just wanted to say hi!! And I started a blog of my own, hoping you'll stop by for a visit once in a while,
Have a great day,
awesome last picture there..that's a great shot
when gage was younger he was TERRIFIED of bubbles! but now he's just like aidan..those two should get together and kill some bubbles together!
your sis
Aidan is beautiful...despite the demonic streak.
Jill xo
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