I Love Liam
I have an idea! Let's not talk about teething or sleepless nights today! Or illness! Yay! I know! Let's look at pictures of a cute baby instead!
And use lots of exclamation points because they give the illusion of positivity and of being excited!
And not tired!
Which I most definitely am not!
This is the look that stays glued to Liam's face when the Teletubbies are on TV. I can't decide if he likes the show or just doesn't get it:
Liam is suddenly into everything. With the other boys, there was sort of a gradual change - they were in my arms, then on the floor, then rolling, then crawling...a very predictable, easy to navigate course of events. Liam has gone from wanting to be in my arms all the time to commando crawling all over the house. Don't get me wrong, he still wants to be in my arms. But when he's not, I'm chasing him around.
It all happens so fast, doesn't it?
Yesterday, to keep him occupied, I gave him a pot to play with:

He liked it. Then, he discovered the stairs. Rather, he discovered the treasure laying tantalizingly out of his reach mid-way up the stairs:
He sat at the bottom of the stairs, yelling at that box of cheerios, demanding that they make their way down to him. He was quite pleased when I helped out:

I'm not tired!
But Jim and I are going to the movies this weekend and I am so excited for a break.
Not that I need one!
That is one adorable kid you have there.
I'm glad you are getting a break - even if you don't need one! And he is an adorable little guy - even when he is drooling as if he were teething, or something! And if you were sleep deprived - which I'm sure you're not - then I'd say I hope you get some rest this weekend!
Note all the exclamation points!?!?!
What a DOLL he is! I can just hear him yelling at the Cheerios! lol!
And he's not making those gradual changes because he has 2 big brothers he has to keep up with.
What movie are you gonna see?
Have fun!
This child. This ADORABLE CHILD.
I am thinking about the child. See? Never even crossed my mind that he might be teething and never sleeping and that you might be tired and need to take a vacation ...
Never. Even. Crossed. My. Mind.
I so, so know how you feel. My little guy is teething and he's got a cold. This week has been brutal; he's been up so many times in the night. It's a good thing they're cute, eh?
Aaaawww, what beautiful photos. Your little kiddlie is such a cutie.
Enjoy your movie, hope it's a memorable one.
Take care, Meow
LOVE the yelling at the cheerios. So cute! Yes! He really is!
I love Liam Perry too. And I love you, my Treesey.
oh tree liams smile MELTS MY HEART!
its soooooooo adorable..words can't explain. it's even better when he smiles at ME and gets excited to see ME!!! YES!! he likes me! he really likes me!
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